WebCodecs and the future of media processing on the web
Firefox WebRTC: Multi microphones
Firefox: AVIF Transparency Support
Code-reviews I did in Mozilla
Firefox FAQ: Audio channel layout
Media Session API
The effect of practicing what you already know
Shape your code as how you shape your body
Summary of Cubeb Oxidation on Mac OS
Media Debugging Resources
Audio 5.1
Running Average
Estimation of MP3 Duration
The Misuse of RefPtr
RefPtr v.s. shared_ptr
Audio Device Information on Firefox
Development Notes for Mozilla
Adding a IPDL into PContent
Deadlock when using AudioUnit
Running multiple Firefox at the same time
Requiring Android build-tools for Fennec
Why Is Overengineering Bad
Avoid adding code for a specific case only
LRU Table
Compute Rand M from Rand N
Opaque or Transparent Data Type in a Rust Library
My Rust Notes
Running Average
Master Fibonacci
Calculating Fibonacci Numbers by Fast Doubling
Matrix Difference Equation for Fibonacci Sequence
Exponentiation by squaring
The Misuse of RefPtr
RefPtr v.s. shared_ptr
Hash Table v.s. Mutable Array
Pthread mutex with different types
Deadlock when using AudioUnit
How to simulate a C++ class in C
How to avoid duplicate symbols when compiling