Opaque or Transparent Data Type in a Rust Library

This post is synchronized with my gist file.

To develop a Rust library that will be used for the external code, the data may be interoperable or non-interoperable. The interoperable data is a data whose underlying memory layout is known and their values can be modified directly by the external code. On the contrary, the non-interoperable data is a data whose underlying memory layout is unknown so their values cannot be changed directly. The underlying values can only be changed when they provide related APIs to do that.

In summary, an interoperable data must be a transparent-type data so it can be modified by external code, while a non-interoperable data must be an opaque-type data to prevent its values from being changed by the external code directly.

In this article, we will explain the above ideas in detail by using Rust-to-C examples.

Transparent Data Type in Rust

By marking a data type with #[repr(C)], the data is interoperable with C/C++ since its memory layout is guaranteed to be aligned with C. It can be called as a normal C data. For example, we can operate the data with type struct Foo from Rust

struct Foo {
    bar: i32,
    baz: f32,
    qux: [u32; 5],


pub extern "C" fn get_foo() -> *mut Foo {


in C code like:

typedef struct {
  int32_t bar;
  float baz;
  uint32_t qux[5];
} Foo;


Foo* foo = get_foo();
foo->qux[1] = 100; // Data with type `Foo` can be modified directly!


Opaque Data Type in Rust

For a non-interoperable data, we can just pass a pointer to its memory address with type *void. Without the knowledge of the underlaying data’s memory layout, C/C++ code cannot do anything.

// No `#[repr(C)]` here!
struct Foo {
    bar: i32,
    baz: f32,
    qux: [u32; 5],


pub extern "C" fn get_foo() -> *mut c_void {
    Box::into_raw(Box::new(Foo::new())) as *mut _


void* foo = get_foo();
// Cannot do anything with `foo` without knowing the memory layout under this
// void pointer.


Even the data type is known, it’s unwise to cast the *void to a corresponding C data type since the memory layout may be different. That is, the memory layout of the following struct Foo in Rust:

// No `#[repr(C)]` here!
struct Foo {
    bar: i32,
    baz: f32,
    qux: [u32; 5],

may be different from the the following struct Foo in C

typedef struct {
  int32_t bar;
  float baz;
  uint32_t qux[5];
} Foo;

Therefore, it’s dangerous to cast a void pointer converted by a Rust-style Foo pointer to a C-style Foo pointer to operate it, without marking struct Foo with #[repr(C)] in Rust.


Foo* foo = (Foo*) get_foo();
// This is very likely to fail since `foo->qux` may point to a different
// address as expected!
foo->qux[1] = 100;


Why we need to use Opaque Data Type

The reason why we need to use a opaque data type is well described in Opaque pointer and Opaque data type on Wiki page. In brief, it gives us the flexibility to change the underlying implementation without changing the interface or the need to recompile the code using the hidden data.

For example, the following C code


void* res = get_resource();


set_something_to_resource(res, ...)


based on the following Rust code

struct Foo {
    bar: i32,
    baz: f32,
    qux: [u32; 5],

impl Foo {
  fn new() -> Self {

trait SetSomething {
    fn set_something(...);

impl SetSomething for Foo {
    fn set_something(...) {


pub extern "C" fn get_resource() -> *mut c_void {
    Box::into_raw(Box::new(Foo::new())) as *mut _

pub extern "C" fn set_something_to_resource(ptr: *mut c_void, ...) {
    let foo = unsafe { &mut *(ptr as *mut Foo) };


doesn’t need to be modified if we change the Rust code into

struct Bar {
    foo: u32,
    baz: f64,
    qux: [i32; 10],

impl Bar {
  fn new() -> Self {

trait SetSomething {
    fn set_something(...);

impl SetSomething for Bar {
    fn set_something(...) {


pub extern "C" fn get_resource() -> *mut c_void {
    Box::into_raw(Box::new(Bar::new())) as *mut _

pub extern "C" fn set_something_to_resource(ptr: *mut c_void, ...) {
    let bar = unsafe { &mut *(ptr as *mut Bar) };


The real-world example I’ve seen is Handle class. Here is the discussion for Windows’ Handle type. The basic idea for Windows’ Handle can be found here. One simple example for that is to open a file.

Here is better example for us. This example returns a handle from Rust code and it will be called in C/C++ code. That is exactly what we want to do in this post.

Sample Code

  • resource.rs: List two Rust structures:
    • Opaque: This is a opaque data type for external code.
    • Transparent: This is a transparent data type for external C code(marked with #[repr(C)]).
  • ext.rs: Interface to C
    • Operations for non-interoperable data: get_opaque, operate_opaque, return_opaque
    • Operations for interoperable data: get_transparent, return_transparent
      • You can operate the underlying values of the data directly!
  • ext.h: Header containes the interfaces for the Rust library
  • sample.c: Sample C code to operate above data
  • sample.cpp Sample C++ code to operate above data
  • Makefile: Build the sample by $ make. Clean files by $ make clean





